On October 24th 2022 – VOTE GABREK for WARD 2!

The Town of New Tecumseth needs strong leadership.

Wendy Gabrek #thecouncillorthatcares

My Core Values

Why am I running?

I am running because it’s the right time in my life & I want to serve my community in a meaningful way. My three children are now all grown-up, and my desire to remain involved with our Town has never been stronger. As the former editor of the local paper and a long-time community volunteer, this is the logical next step in my journey. I am excited for the opportunity to serve.

What do I bring to the table?

What I bring is a humble, and unbiased approach to community politics. During my almost two decades with the newspaper I grew to understand the business of the Town – how decisions are made and the issues facing our amalgamated community. I have attended hundreds of council meetings & know the procedural language council adheres to. From watching our Committee of the Whole members at work over the past decades I have an appreciation for the hard work, and countless hours, this role requires. I am aware of the commitment and ready to give the very best of myself over the next 4-years.

What do I stand to gain?

The decision to run would only feed my commitment to the community and not my wallet. Although council members in New Tecumseth do make a small salary it’s not enough to support my family. I will still need to work, where I am salary based and will not benefit from any additional exposure. The decision to serve my community is a matter of fiscal responsibility, not finances.

How does my background help me?

My long term commitment to the community – having grown up in Tottenham and now a 10-year resident of Ward 2 – is unyielding. I live locally, work locally, and have raised my family here. That, combined with my knowledge of our Town’s businesses and residents through volunteerism (including my work with the Chamber of Commerce & as the former editor of the local newspaper) makes it fair for me to say, “I know where we’ve been. I know where we are now. I can see where we’re heading – and I want to get involved.”

What is my platform what can I promise?

Ward 2 is a primarily residential ward, with a few businesses and cultural/recreation centres. We are bordered by beautiful greenery and have dedicated park space. However, we are growing – with new developments in the south-west corner continuing to go up. Our needs relate to: school safety zones; general safety issues – including the protection of property, our children’s safety & speeding; street parking; maintaining roadways; protecting green space while we experience growth; affordable housing & intensification; and managing the flow of information to/and from our residents.

Unless you were born in New Tec, chances are you’re here by choice – a choice to participate in what makes this Town special. That is: a nice place to raise a family or retire, yet close enough to the GTA that nothing is out of reach.

If elected, I will work with our community to ensure your voices are heard, and opinions are shared with Town Council.

I will also reinstate a community led safety or ‘Block Parent’ type program to address the rising safety concerns in our area.

I will also maintain clear and consistent communication with our residents to keep everyone up to date as decisions are made – or better yet, before decisions are made.

I promise to always make educated decisions and vote with my heart. I promise to take your concerns seriously, listen to you with empathy and be the best councillor I can be. On October 24th, please vote Wendy Gabrek for Ward 2. #thecouncillorthatcares